2010 Wedding Hair Colors 2010 Hair

2010 Wedding Hair Colors 2010 Hair

2010 Wedding Hair Colors - Spring, Summer Edition

When you say “blushing bride” you’re probably thinking of some fair-skinned damsel with light hair, soft eyes and features that would make a China doll jealous. Too bad we don’t live in the land of make-believe, where that might actually be true. No, we live in the real world, where we might not exactly be blushing, and most of us don’t look like hand-carved, extremely breakable porcelain. But hey, that’s a good thing. If you trip over your train, you’d shatter like Kanye West’s faith in humanity.

So, you’re here because you need a hair color. This year is pretty simple – blonde is no longer in style. Yep, you read that right. Blondes may have had more fun some years back, but at the opening of this decade brunettes are the new blond. (Don’t you hate that phrase? Something is the new something? Why can’t we just go back to saying it’s in or it’s out? Fashion, you overcomplicate everything.)

Dark hair looks great on just about everyone, no matter what your skin tone, body type, or fashion preferences are. You don’t even have to actually be brunette. A deep, rich red works just as well, and adds a bit of color and vibrancy to your general persona. (Think Lindsay Lohan before she went blonde.) Whatever color you decide on, don’t make it too dark. And beware of black, or you might wind up looking gothic. Unless your hair is already black. In which case, congratulations: you’re the new brunette.

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